What Is A Coupling Uses, Types, Applications

What Is A Coupling? Uses, Types, Applications

We will try to understand, how coupling works. One can call coupling a mechanical instrument, which is used to connect the shafts from their ends for channelizing the power. It is used to help the two pieces of the rotating instrument helping them to move in their respective directions used for. While there are various types of couplings available in the market, which are used for various industrial applications. Let’s focus on a few of them below.

While couplings are customized before shipping as per the requirements. The main operation of any industrial application is highly dependent on the balancing and the tolerance of the respective coupling used within the system and machines. A detailed analysis is necessary before using the couplings within the machine.

Types of Industrial Couplings:

Let’s see four types of industrial couplings, which are majorly used in various industrial applications across the domain. We will discuss them one by one.

Star Coupling (Jaw Coupling) :

Star or Jaw Couplings are very strong and flexible to use. They worked by making the maximum use of general universally industrial power transmission coupling. The main point one can note is that they are made to work under various temperature ranges and a precise misalignment, can deal with high torque to outside diameter capability and also have the high-speed ability, can work under extreme chemical resistance, and comes with an average dampening capacity.

Meanwhile, they are easy to use and install and low in cost, as they work on the main three principle parts two hubs and an elastomeric spider. They have low maintenance as there is not much need for lubrication.

Star Coupling
Star Coupling

Chain Coupling:

The main purpose of chain coupling is to transmit the power between the two shafts. Their installation takes place generally at the end of a motor of a gearbox. The main purpose of these couplings is to connect to a machine and gives an efficient power transmission. They are quite economical if we compare them with other types of couplings.

A complete set of chain coupling comes with two sprockets i.e one coupling chain, which is a strand of double roller chain and a cover. Though the cover is not utilized in all industrial applications they highly increased the life of these couplings.

When we talk of use cases, they are used in low speed, high torque industrial applications and maximum allow for 2 degrees misalignment between the shafts.

Industrial Chain Coupling
Industrial Chain Couplings

Pinbush Coupling:

Pinbush Couplings are mainly used in industrial applications like couple electric motors and machines, where there is a need of maintaining the slightly imperfect alignment of the two shafts. Pinbush couplings have pins and it works with coupling bolts. Also, leather and bushes are used over the pins. The pins are rigidly fastened by nuts to one of the flanges and kept loose on the other flange.

The Pinbush Couplings are used to connect the shafts with small parallel misalignment, axial misalignment, or angular misalignment. While, the rubber bushes over these couplings absorb all the shock, which was made during running an industrial application.

Pinbush Coupling
Pinbush Couplings

Tyre Coupling:

When we are talking about tyre couplings, they are highly flexible in use. They are made in such a way, that they produce very low torsional stiffness and damping capacity. They are suitable for coupling different machines which have a highly non-unifrom torque design.

The tyre couplings are also used to connect machines that have high shaft misalignment between them. While, if we talk about the working formula, the elastic tyre is pushed over the hub parts and which are further held tight by fitting the clamping ring.

Industrial Couplings Type Tyre Coupling
Tyre Couplings

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